The Armand Merizon Collection 1920-2010

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Man's Best Friend

Painting of a man lying in a field nose to nose with his dog. Merizon had a huge soft spot in his heart for dogs and as a child would adopt the neighborhood dogs as his own and take them on long hikes with him along plaster creek and other places around the city. He was also know for bringing home strays. As an adult Merizon and family had several dogs. His favorite being a medium sized white Alaskan Malamute mix named Bingo or Little Bear as he called him. He took him everywhere and even had formal pix of himself taken with Bingo.

Medium: acrylic on canvas board
Dimensions: 16" x 24" image, 18.5" x 26.5" framed
Location: private collection
Date Produced: 2006
Exhibitions: West Michigan 8 show at Forest Hills Fine Arts Center, 2012

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